Cornerstones of a better system: 7 Steps to Improve OR Financial and Operational Performance

One of the biggest challenges faced by OR Managers or VPs of Surgery is creating efficient use of OR time. With the use of iQueue for Operating Rooms' artificial intelligence, it's now possible to leverage a surgeon-centric framework to measure OR utilization and allocate blocks to maximize financial and operational performance.

This ebook will highlight the key strategies for increasing block utilization, case volume, usage of OR minutes, and release proactivity for successful management of OR time while gaining clear visibility of performance across an entire healthcare system.

LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.

LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.


LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.


LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.


LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.

LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math.


"LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math."


"LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math."


"LeanTaaS. Better Healthcare Through Math."